Smartphone App: MTB project

[caption id="attachment_1413" align="alignleft" width="300"] This is an awesome woman. I'm very very blessed.[/caption] Courtney and I recently took a trip for our 1-yr anniversary out to summit county.  If you didn't know: Summit county is awesome in late september because the aspens are amazing: Also, everything's cheap because it's the off season: from being able to get a condo for...Read More

DIY bike light

A couple times this season I've gotten caught in the dark on my after work rides.  I've always wanted to try night biking, but my little 55 Lumen headlamp was awkward to strap to my helmet and barely lit up the trail.  Night biking sounds fun because it offers flexibility, it's a bit cooler in the summer, and the trails are less crowded! A...Read More

Trip Report: Fruita Mountain Biking, Spring 2012

Well, Spring break is over.  I had to work most of the week, but thursday night I set out with 20 of my closest friends for a weekend of camping and mountain biking at Fruita, CO.  This was  my third trip out to Fruita, and I really love the area: it offers really amazing scenery and super unique terrain, and...Read More