Smartphone App: Google Hangouts

I've loved my mobile phone since switched to android from iPhone; however, there's been one basic thing that's been missing: A good text messaging app. [caption id="attachment_1435" align="alignright" width="168"] Hangouts has a clean chat like interface for messaging with multiple people.[/caption] Sure, I've tried a few in the play store: handcent sms and go sms to name a couple, but...Read More

Tool of the Week: Getting your phone to display decibles instead of bars

Here's a pretty cool trick that I tweeted last week: Basically, instead of bars telling you how strong your signal is, you get a number with higher resolution and real units, which is awesome if you're even remotely mathematically minded. So, Why would you want Decibles vs Bars? Well first, you're not sacrificing your bars. You can always click the display where the signal strength is...Read More

Smartphone Apps: 12 Must have Apps

I love having a smartphone, and although a lot of commentary could be said for being a generation that is addicted to our phones, they can be incredibly useful tools. I try to keep my phone free of games, and focus on making it a useful productivity tool.  This blog post is 12 apps to fill your home screen that...Read More