A co-worker of mine recently suggested I start blogging cool smartphone Apps, and I think this is a great idea. While doing "Tool of the Week" I've already pointed to a few services that have smartphone apps, and have tagged them with the "Smartphone App" tag, but i'm going to start doing some more posts specifically related to cool apps across multiple platforms.
One I've been loving recently is called Flipboard. It's a really sweet way to catch up on News and Current Events. But what makes it really sweet is it will also import from facebook, twitter, and even google reader so you can get personalized content mixed in with the news and current events. It's like the news magazine for your life! The user interface and experience is awesome, and you flip through it just like it's a magazine. I love flipping through it when i'm board in a waiting room or on my iPad as I drink my morning coffee. Also, if you see something you like, sharing it on facebook or twitter, or "liking" it is super easy.
Flipboard is free for iphone, android, and ipad, so go check it out!