I'm in salt lake this week for the 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, alongside 4,000 other researchers. I'm presenting some exciting research findings on friday, and in the mean time I'm learning a lot and trying to network some for future research opportunities.
In the mean time, I invite everyone to check out the 2012 special issue of the Journal of Experimental Biology, which features my work on the cover! I'm really excited about this opportunity to share the beauty that is behind my work! I'm also going to show a few other images in a local art show on Friday if anybody in Boulder would like to stop by!
One last thing: I'm still a little wet behind the ears when it comes to the conference thing. Besides being overwhelmed with amazing information being presented in multiple rooms by hundreds of presenters, I'm also daunted by the task of trying to meet and network with new people. Being somewhat introverted doesn't help this venture, so if anybody has any tips, I'd love to hear em'!